5 Steps to Apply Vinyl Decals and Stickers

Vehicle graphics and decalsare all the rage right now because they’re a great way to personalize your own car. The designs you add, where you add them, and what sort of statement they putout are all great ways to express yourself and give your vehicle some flair.

The only big problem that most of the self-applied stickers and decals end up looking like crumpled messes. This can happen because the sticker may not have been properly applied to the vehicle, ending up looking like a bad customization job. To avoid such a problem, we’ll be going over the best way to apply any of these stickers to your car, van, or vehicle.

Step 1: Clean Up the Surface

The first step you need to follow is to make sure the surface of the car where you plan on applying the sticker is completely clean. Every little particle of dust and dirt that comes under the sticker when you apply it will lead to it coming off faster.

Make sure you use a mixture of water and rubbing alcohol to get rid of the dirt; in fact, it will even defrost the windows for easy applying.

Step 2: Apply During Ideal Weather Conditions

You’ll want to make sure that the temperature outside is neither too hotnor too cold. With hot temperature, you’ll end up with the decal or sticker not fitting its shape properly.

The sticker will keep coming off from the edges ad that will cause the sticker to lose shape. You also want to avoid direct sunlight until a few hours after the decal has set in its place.

Step 3: Use Tape

Masking tape is a great way to make sure the sticker is properly spread over the surface and is in place. Before removing the layer over the adhesive surface, use tape to hold the sticker into place.

Once you have the sticker properly positioned, you may uncover the adhesive surface starting from the edges and then tape the sticker back into place. This keeps the sticker in the correct place.

Step 4: Smooth Out Bumps

If you see any bumps after the placement, you should try and remove them with a credit card or some similar object. Simply run the edge of the card over the sticker to pat it down.

You may have to run the card over the sticker multiple times, but it will smooth out the bumps easily. Just make sure you press the card in a singular direction.

Step 5: Extra Protection

Don’t remove the top layer of the sticker or decal off immediately after placing the sticker.

Black car with stickers

You should wait about 3 to 4 hours after applying the decal to remove its top protective layer. This keeps the sticker fresh and prevents damage while it sets.


Now that you know how to properly apply van decals and camper van stickers, why not take a look at our decal collection or our wall tile stickers and see how you can customize your spaces? You can contact us to place an order.