How Does an Artist Create a Focal Point?

A focal point is best described as the bullseye on a target, minus the aggression, of course. It's a region of great emphasis that demands the viewer's attention, pulling them into the scene.

An artist uses this strategy to draw attention to a particular element or content of the painting. The focal point is based upon the artist's intent, so it's usually determined early on in the process of creating the masterpiece. Although one focal point remains dominant, it's no crime having even three in a painting—the first being the one with the most significant visual weight, the second being the sub-dominant, and the third as the subordinate. Anything more is likely to confuse viewers. Here are five ways to create a focal point:

1. Colour

Colours are helpful when creating focal points due to their three inherent properties, including value, temperature, and saturation. Value is the area that experiences a notable contrast between light and dark elements. Likewise, adding a warm hue to a predominantly cool coloured canvas would automatically shift the viewer's focus as the warm region is now the focal point. Lastly, the area with the most colour saturation is likely to become a focal point.

2. Scale

Changing the size of an element in the painting can make it stand out when compared to the rest. So, if a composition predominantly consists of large shapes, adding a smaller shape makes it the focal point and vice versa. Additionally, an artist can create focal points using the texture and size of the shape.

3. Isolation

This is a type of framing. For example, if a composition is made of circles, adding a geometric square would make the square emerge as a focal point. The idea is to separate an element or object from a group in order to isolate it and make it a focal point. This method is related to the gestalt principle of proximity that states that isolating things will bring the crowd's attention towards it.

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4. Placement

Placing an object in the centre or near the centre of the picture plane will automatically make it the focal point. Place the element off the centre to create a focal point without adversely affecting the aesthetic of the image.

5. Pointing

Lead the eye to the focal point by arranging other elements to create a path of movement. The viewer's eye should be directed along the path and onto what you want for them to focus on. The focal point must be at the end of the movement to draw emphasis.

A focal point may be of any size, shape or colour. Challenge the artist in you with Bolsover Designs. We sell all kinds of wall art stickers that you can install around the house. We make the best of kitchen tile stickers that are easy to put on and easier to take off—you can order waterproof tile stickers in mosaic or azulejo.

There's no one way to place these wall tiles, but it's good practice to determine the focal point prior to starting the project. You can also order wall stickers for bedroom and living room spaces, and we'll customize them in whichever size you want.The world is your canvas, happy sticking!